
제 25회 반도체 대전 SEDEX

October 25 ~ 27 / COEX SEOUL

2023 참가업체 디렉토리


Qbic Laser System Inc.

Booth No.C421
  • CEO김창곤 / Chang kon Kim
  • ADDRESS경기도 부천시 오정구 석천로 345, 303-901 (부천테크노파크) / 303-901 (Bucheon Techno Park), Seokcheon-ro 345, Ojeong-gu, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
  • CONTACTTel. +82-32-325-4544 / Fax. +82-32-323-4736 / URL. www.qbiclaser.com
  • 제조품목

    1.Optical System Manufactured by Qbic Laser System Inc. 

     Line Generating Diode Laser System
     3D Patterning Laser System
     355nm Micromaching System
     MOPA (Master Oscillator Power Amplifier) Laser System
     UV laser curing system
     PPLN OPO system
     Wavefront measurement optical system
     Thermal and optical loss measurement system of plastic optical fiber
     Laser beam homogenizing system
     Fiber coupled high power laser diode system
     Two color optical pyrometer system


    2. Imported Products

     LDLS (Laser Driven Light Source) System
     Femtosecond lasers
     Pulsed Q-switched Nd:YAG Lasers
     DPSS Lasers
     Tunable Dye Lasers / Tunable OPO
     Fiber Lasers
     Eximer Lasers
     Laser and NLO Crystals
     Laser Optics
     Beam profiler
     Energy and Power Detectors
     ICCD Cameras

    ?1.Optical System Manufactured by Qbic Laser System Inc. 

     Line Generating Diode Laser System
     3D Patterning Laser System
     355nm Micromaching System
     MOPA (Master Oscillator Power Amplifier) Laser System
     UV laser curing system
     PPLN OPO system
     Wavefront measurement optical system
     Thermal and optical loss measurement system of plastic optical fiber
     Laser beam homogenizing system
     Fiber coupled high power laser diode system
     Two color optical pyrometer system


    2. Imported Products

     LDLS (Laser Driven Light Source) System
     Femtosecond lasers
     Pulsed Q-switched Nd:YAG Lasers
     DPSS Lasers
     Tunable Dye Lasers / Tunable OPO
     Fiber Lasers
     Eximer Lasers
     Laser and NLO Crystals
     Laser Optics
     Beam profiler
     Energy and Power Detectors
     ICCD Cameras

  • 회사소개

    큐빅 레이저 시스템은 세계 최고의 안정성과 품질을 자랑하는 Quantel 사의 laser를 주축으로 다양한 Laser system과 각종 Optical components 및 레이저관련 주변기기를 공급하며, 고객이 Laser를 안정적으로 사용 할 수 있도록 기술지원팀이 만반의 준비로 항시 대기하고 있습니다. 그리고 광학 시스템에 대한 지식과 기술력을 바탕으로 레이저 광학시스템을 자체 기술로 design하여 제작하고 있습니다. Technical consulting을 통하여 고객의 욕구를 총체적으로 충족시키는 것을 큐빅레이저 시스템의 사업목표로 하고 있습니다.



    What does “Qbic” mean?

    Qbic의 사업내용


    Qbic Laser System Inc. supplies laser optics, laser related instruments, and various kinds of laser systems based on lasers made by Lumibird S.A. (Quantel), which is the worldwide market leader of compact pulsed Q-switched Nd:Yag laser with superior stability and high quality. Qbic’s technical team is ready to support you to use lasers and optical systems bought by us without any problem. We also design and manufacture laser-based optical systems originated from knowledge, knowhows, and long experience about laser and laser optics. Our business goal is to meet demands of customer by offering total solutions from technical consulting to manufacturing. 

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